Tuesday 26 August 2008

Outcome of meeting held on 24th August 2008

CHRISTMAS PARTY - The few members who attended agreed to have a Christmas party this year since we hadn't had one for more than four years. The planned date if all goes well is the 29th of November 2008. This is to allow everyone who may be travelling home or wherever to attend.

If you can recommend a nice venue which will not exceed £700, then let the Social and Welfare Officers know.
It is hoped that our young ones will input in many ways. Some people suggested giving recitals, fashion shows and whatever they can come up with, just as a way of keeping them interested

ELECTION: The 3 yearly election for new Officers will be on our next meeting in November and the tentative date (not confirmed yet) is 15th November. It is important for everyone to attend and make your views known.

My only other comment is that for us to go from strength to strenght, we need to continue to have people who are committed and who are ready to progress us in a way that will keep the current membership but even more importantly, attract more people especially our young ones. This is no mean fit.

We have to be seen as forward thinking and moving with the times if our young ones are to take us seriously. If our intension is to stick with the status quo and just come, enjoy ourselves and go home, then that is ok. So give a thought to this.
Apart from these nothing much happened except of course eating and drinking. 14 members turned up that is minus all the children. It was nice to see everyone.